Logan BaroneThe Hell of AwakeningGrowing up in religion, I was terrified of hell. Even though I was baptized, attended church regularly, said the sinner's prayer (many...
Logan BaroneThe Timeless NowLast summer, I went on a family vacation to the beach. I brought Ken Wilber’s book No Boundary with me, and I had planned on reading it...
Logan BaroneBeyond BeliefI’ve been asked by many, “What are you?” And what they mean by this is, what do I believe, be it my religion, denomination affiliation,...
Logan BaroneDid Jesus Meditate?Jesus spent a substantial amount of time alone, in the wilderness (in nature), praying, as it says in scripture. It even says that he...
Logan BaroneUnity Consciousness The ancient language of “the kingdom of heaven is within you and all around you” is what we now know today as Unity Consciousness. What...
Logan BaroneHeaven Is Within YouThe mystery hidden for ages and generations is that Christ is within us. If something is hidden within us, it needs to be unveiled and...
Logan BaroneDiscovering Your Purpose How can you discover your purpose in life? Here are three ways: 1. Your purpose will feel like remembering something you've always known...
Logan BaroneRivers and StreamsI struggled for a long time with wanting to ensure that I was in the will of God or following the will of God. What I discovered for...
Logan BaroneOne With the VineJesus eradicated the illusion of separation when he said, "I am the vine; you are the branches." Thus, our adamant attempts to "grow...